From here you can edit Design Idea category/subcategory details.
Edit Design Idea Category
- Select a category/subcategory from the left side which you want to edit.
- Click on "Edit" button right after "Categotry - [CATEGORY NAME] " (on top right)
Add Category To Change / Select category option from here. Select "ROOT CATEGORY" if you want to add the category as root category OR select "Other" if you want to add the category as a subcategory. If you select "Other" it will open the category selection under which category/subcategory you want to add the new category. Select your option as you need here.
Category Title Edit category name
Category Alias Edit category alias as you want to see in front-end category URL
Category Description Edit category description
Active Check this option for active/inactive this category.
Order Update category order by
Category Image Edit Browse/select category image. It will automatically upload the category image when you select the file.
Update Category Click "Update Category" Button.
Click "Details" Button on top right to go back on design idealist under this category.