Login to your admin panel and browse Inkybay App. Go to Settings Menu from the top navigation.
- Click "Common Settings" button on the left side under "Settings" Title. It will load settings option on the right.
- Quote Email: Enter/update the email address, where you want the email to be sent after your customer request for a quote.
Hide Add To Cart Button: Uncheck this option if you want to show the default add to cart button on the product detail page.
Customize It Button Label: Update the label for "Customize it" button, which will show for your added personalized products on the product page.
Customize It Button Class: You can add your existing or custom CSS class for "Customize it" button to match your them style.
Customize It Button CSS Style: You can enter custom CSS style for the button.
Show Colors on Product Details: Check this option, if you want to show the color swatch icons for personalized products on product detail page.
Color Title: If you want to change the choose color title.
Product Image ID/Classes: If you want to change the product main image when customer select a product color from the swatch, you have to enter the main image ID or CLASS with formate for ID "ID_[YOURID]" and for CLASS "CL_[YOURCLASS]"