From here you can add new clipart category / subcategory
Add clipart category
- Click "+ Add New" button right side on "Category" Title. It will go to add new category option
- "Add Category To :" Select category option from here. Select " ROOT CATEGORY" if you want to add the category as root category OR select "Other" if you want to add the category as a subcategory. If you select "Other" it will open the category selection under which category/subcategory you want to add the new category. Select your option as you need here.
- "Category Title :" Enter category name
- "Category Alias :" Enter category alias as you want to see in front end category URL
- "Category Description :" Enter category description
- "Order :" category order by
- "Active" Check this option for active/inactive this category.
- "Category Image :" Browse/select category image. It will automatically upload the category image when you select the file.